Friday, August 10, 2007

Fueled by Cats

This is how Bess Bieluczyk explains how my car runs. There are a number of cats who wait to get on the cat wheel to run and power the batter (the thing with lighting bolts) that turns the bike chain that makes the fuel level sensor go bong on its springs which tells me how much fuel is in the fish bowl in my car. Well that part is broken cause the fish bowl is full and the car says it isn't.

This was drawn today while we spent 3 hours at the dealership trying to figure out what was wrong with my NEW car. It was a good time there was soda and popcorn and snacks, fun drawings, The Price is Right and daytime soaps. Grand! Other then the big $$$ it will cost to get and install the fuel level sensor. Wish my car really did run on cats. It would be cheaper and I could play with them when they were not working. By the way that is Dee (Bess's cat) and Venus (Katie Wright's cat) working right now. Go cats go!

Friday, August 3, 2007

'Subtle Hysteria' and 'ID' MFA Thesis shows

Yes I know it has been a while but I now have something new and exciting to post. My two good friends Bess Bieluczyk and Tori Purcell had there MFA Thesis shows tonight at Alexander Hall here in Savannah, Ga. Both have worked very hard and I am very excited to see the end products of all their hard work.

Bess's show, 'Subtle Hysteria' is a visual representation of her fictional domestic character’s quite outlet of rage and frustration. Dealing with the idea of a woman’s place in the home, these images were 20x24 C prints in white frames and looked great.

Tori's show, 'ID' makes the viewer question the categories that are used to classify people based on race, gender, body type and sexual orientation. The show was some what politically charged and also brought in to question appropriation as art. There were interactive pieces such as 'peepers' an various audio stations. This is a shot of a very large instillation of individual images making up the grid on the back of a panty hoes box. each image is wrapped in various types of panty hoes.

Both shows looked great and I am very excited for my friends to have there shows up and looking awesome. Congrats ladies.

For more on Bess Bieluczyk go to
For more on Tori Purcell go to