Tuesday, November 13, 2007

flu[XX] MFA Thesis Show

Come out some time in the next two weeks and check out my MFA thesis show. Thanks to all those who helped with it along its long road.
November 12-26
Alexander Hall,668 Indian St, Savannah, GA.
Reception to be held on November 16th from 5-7 pm

Gender is not a reflection of one’s biological make up, but a construction based on the society in which they live, and the ideas and values of that society. Individuals choose various signifiers to tell others what groups they choose to identify with.

Flu[XX] explores the capacity for a single being to navigate between the external expressions of their ever shifting, multi-faceted, (self) identification. Simply by not subscribing to the standard square or rectangular format, this work exists out side of the traditional uses within the medium of photography. Through digital manipulation and collaging, it challenges the single image. The multifaceted constructions relates back to the constructed nature of gender and its various subtleties and nuances. This work falls into its own undefended place between dualisms of traditional photography.

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